Private tutoring isn’t a strange phenomenon as it’s been in practice for a long time. A lot of us have engaged in this service either as a student or parents for your kids at a point in our lives.
This form of tutoring has lots of advantages which I will be sharing with us. We should note however that the advantages of private tutoring are numerous and can’t be limited to the few that will be mentioned in this write up. Let’s start with the advantage of individualized attention. Lots of times, the learning environment is crowded with different types of students with varying learning capabilities from the slow to the fast learners.
This form of learning is known to help slow learners as the tutor teaches with the learning pace of the student, hence availing the student the undivided attention of the tutor.
Another advantage is that this model of learning helps improve performance as well as learning attitude of a student. Students are often motivated to learn on their own and at their own pace as it gives room for less intimidation as you are in competition with no one but yourself. This has been seen to boost self-esteem and confidence alongside providing a positive workspace.
Beneficiaries of private tutoring are said to often display independence and responsibility as they do not have the opportunity to hide behind shadows of other students. They can ask as many questions as they have without being shy or the thought of being laughed at by other students.
In a nutshell, I am of the opinion that this approach can be extended into entrepreneurial skills as you get to learn at your comfort as a student and do not have to face the rowdiness of a class and a tutor. Beyond getting a chance to learn at your comfort, you develop confidence in your skills along side other soft skills which have been listed above.
Have you ever been privately tutored and would you consider being privately tutored in an entrepreneurial skill? Please drop your opinion in the comment section.
I have been priviledged to be privately tutored a lot of times . It has helped my confidence level a great deal.
Yes! I will love to be privately tutored in entreprenual skills.
This is indeed a brilliant idea.