Being a serial entrepreneur is no longer new and so is having a side gig while running a full time job. Most of our parents did it, especially our mothers. They combined their government work with either a private work or a trade. Like them, many of us have found ourselves running side gigs, either... / READ MORE /
The Developing Afrika team met with Mr. Abayomi Adewumi a driven Business consultant who is continuously shaping and turning around businesses. through his service. Today he shares with us tips for entrepreneurs, how he started his journey and issues he has faced as an entrepreneur. Enjoy! Let’s meet you I’m Abayomi Adewumi, a Business Development... / READ MORE /
Hello Guys!How are you doing? We would be continuing on our series which we started last week. In case you missed it, you can view it Here Today, we would be sharing with you five other key factors which causes failure in leadership. Selfishness: The leader who claims all the honor for the work of his… / READ MORE /
Do you know being an entrepreneur means you have to take a step ahead of other players. How do you do that when everyone else is doing the same thing? One of the ways to achieve that is through READING. An entrepreneur who doesn’t read is not ready to take the lead. You may be... / READ MORE /