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Written By: Esieboma Oghenerobo Joy. Hi guys! Let’s shake some tables without mincing words, shall we? It goes without gainsaying, that most people are more bothered about money than their health; that is, at least until some serious medical condition arrests their attention. While we’re all in the hustle to make more money and live… / READ MORE /
Ochanya is,Ochanya is a girl,young and fragileonce whole and agilenow carries herself in pieceswith care lest she rest in peace Ochanya is a fortressBetrayed by her protectorsPetrified in terror of her invadersShe weeps and fades away in silenceher essence seeps into nothingness Ochanya will not speakBecause her voice was silencedMother does not believe herSociety calls… / READ MORE /
Written by: © Esonye, Great Marcel C. Under the moonlight, I recall our Grandpa,how weird winds ransacked our standing roofdeep down hills and valleys, into seasand our children, raging rifles raidtill our warriors mellow lowhow dear fatherland wallowin fallow Atop rarely prevailing African hoof,waging rafters lay bay to raw climatic rudemodern ills infect our soil... / READ MORE /